Earth Citizens Organisation (ECO) was registered in NZ in 2016 and was formed to help develop leaders committed to making a difference in their lives, communities and for a healthier and more sustainable planet. Since our formation, our focus has been to develop training facilities, provide training and educational opportunities and to organise community events that help people to live more healthy and mindful lives.

Our desire through these actions is to help change the future of the world to be one of peace and sustainability. This is a collaborative concept and requires a collective effort. We refer to this collaboration and collectiveness as the Earth Citizen Movement. We aim to connect 1% of the world’s population with this movement and our goal is to encourage them to adopt the Earth Citizenship lifestyle.
What is Earth Citizenship?
Earth Citizenship is described by Ilchi Lee as caring for the Earth and of other beings on the planet.
What is the Earth Citizenship vision?
To build a network of 100-Million Earth Citizen Members. Earth Village has been selected by Ilchi Lee as the Global Headquarters for the Earth Citizen Movement. This is where (when it is safe to do so of course) people from different countries and cultures and of different ages will gather to learn about Earth Management and become Earth Citizen Ambassadors and Global Leaders.


“We must identify ourselves as Earth Citizens and hold that identity superior to any identity of nationality, race or religion.” Ilchi Lee from the book, Earth Citizen, Recovering our Humanity.